Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I finally figured out how to get at this blog site by using another computer. I should be happier about that than I am, but I am rather discouraged right now about my own laptop. How can one little tap of a two year old finger render the thing completely useless? I am guessing that the 4 sets of much older fingers that tried to fix the problem might just have made it worse. Now the keyboard doesn't even write. It has taken me the year and half I have owned it to get accustomed to it, it cannot be ready for the junk pile. I mean, come on, it's a computer. Augustine Brummel looked at. The Geek Squad guy looked at it. No optimism from either of them. Does anyone have a suggestion for me? 

We are safely back at home after spending two wonderful days with Lance, Emily, Finley and Reid. We made the trip home in one day (Tuesday) and are ready to get back into the 3rd part of our Sabbatical. Rev. is still set up here at home ready to complete the assigned course work. I feel like Goldilocks using his computer. His chair is too big, the keyboard is ergonomic, and his mouse -- for pete's sake -- is set to left-handed. I know, I know, I can hear all of my kids telling me that it "builds character."

I will get back into the blogging habit tomorrow. I am eager to write about the two churches we went to on Sunday. I might even write about the two games of Cornhole we played on Monday! Oh why wait on that one. It was my first ever time playing and was partnered with Emily against the men. Sparing the dirty details, I will just say that Lance and Rev. got the opportunity to work on their gracious loser skills. 

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