Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Megan made two noteworthy comments on yesterday's blog that I will share in this one. Megan visited Lance and Emily this past Saturday and Sunday, or more precisely I should say she got in some great Auntie Megan time visiting Finley and Reid. Megan's first comment about my blog was that Finley calls her brother "Weid." So in light of that information Megan and I agreed that it would be funny to hear Finley talk about her grandpa -- had he helped me in the flower beds -- spending the day "weading" and weeding.

Megan's other comment was that I have rarely mentioned her in my blog. I talk about Sam, to use her exact words, "all the time." So paragraph one has remedied the problem for now. Does this little keeping of accounts happen in other families? Did I ever do that with my siblings?

But on to topics much more relevant to the Sabbatical. Like the walnut tree. Raise your hand if you are tired of reading about the walnut tree. Everyone? Ok, I thought so. A few final comments and then I will not mention walnuts in here again unless it is in a recipe I feel the need to share. Those of you who know me well know the very low likelihood of me discussing anything recipe related, so this should be it. I decided to clear away the last of the awkward branch stuff that was keeping me from being able to mow the grass by asking my neighbor if I could borrow her electric chain saw. I am still on a little bit of a power rush from that, it was fun.

The picture I am including is of a very perplexed squirrel that I watched while I was drinking coffee on the porch this morning. It is rather amusing to think of all the things that could be going through his little squirrel brain about the current condition of what used to be a very squirrel friendly tree. And now the last -- I promise -- piece of information on the tree. From the stump to the edge of alley as far as it reached when it fell:  69 feet.

No more on the tree or on walnuts. Not even for a brownie recipe. And don't bother to tell me about a great recipe for brownies with walnuts. I will never use it. Just bring me the brownies, and I will just take your word for it that it was a great recipe.

My brother got all the cooking, baking, kitcheny skills in our family. Now that I ponder it a little, if my Mom had ever had the opportunity to write a blog for seven weeks I betcha she would have mentioned him more than me!

I really am going to get around to talking about Rev. Wetselaar and his Puritan friends. Not today. That little chain saw power rush is rapidly fading into a real need to put my tired body to bed.

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