Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Those of you opening this today hoping to hear stories of my old horse with the initials H. H. are going to bitterly disappointed. He is a mythical creature that lives on only in Sam's childish imagination. I mean seriously, Sam, you've got everyone worried about you and praying for you in the path of not just a Typhoon but a Super Typhoon.and the first we hear from you is this?

Today was the start of cataloging a room full of books. I noticed two things worth sharing here about that project. One is that theological books certainly have long titles. Rev. has mentioned in sermons that he has a large book titled simply Sin. I look forward to cataloging that one and any others with one word titles. My second item of interest that I noticed today is that our cat does not lie at the end of the sidewalk in eager anticipation of my return as she does when Rev. is the one over at church.

Yard clean-up is progressing nicely. These two pictures are taken exactly one week apart:

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