Saturday, July 12, 2014

You would think that my biggest regret about being tired yesterday would be that I did not write much of a blog. But the regret that looms so much larger than that is that I missed Chick Fil A's Cow Appreciation Day. But at least I can claim a family member that celebrated it three times. And she can claim a friend that celebrated it eight times! I spent the morning icing muscles that did a little too much on Thursday, Yard Work Day. Instead of getting some things done that needed doing on Friday -- Paper Work and Errand Day --  I watched grandson Levi for a few hours. We were outside most of the time, a favorite location for both of us, and I sent him home covered in dirt, a little moist from the hose and with mud stains on his clothes. A good afternoon for both of us. Fels naptha, Jess.

Now tonight we are settled into our hotel for our Second Sabbatical Weekend of Travel in an undisclosed location. We are in a large city in a state that begins with "I." On our way home from dinner we drove past an Iowa 80 Truck Wash and a Waffle House, so now I am not really sure where we are. But I will say that we ate at Joe's Crab Shack for supper. It was our first time tackling certain sea-foods. I enjoyed taking pictures of the lobster more than I did eating it, but I am guessing that is not normal. I at least wore my plastic bib, which is more than I can say for my dining companion. We both breathed a little sigh of relief when Bruce the Balloon Man passed our table by. That is an art form I prefer to admire from a distance of at least several tables.

Our hotel is in an area that has brought us a little bit out of our comfort zone. For me, staying in a hotel always causes such internal friction between wanting a nice place (safe, clean, does not smell weird) and not wanting to drop triple digits for a place just to sleep and shower. So it can be an adventure. But we are very near the church we plan to visit tomorrow. We had planned to stay home and worship somewhere close-by, but as the day dawned we both felt the tug to do otherwise. We are so appreciative of the ability to just make some plans on Saturday and just drive off and go. Special yet anonymous thanks to the motorcyclist who cancelled his trip due to rain and therefore his dog's spot at the kennel, making it possible for last minute accommodation for our two dogs. This is not a habit we intend to cultivate, nor do we recommend it for anyone to do on a regular basis if it brings him or her away from regularly gathering with God's people at a home church. But these seven weeks are intended to be a change of pace for us. And we are enjoying them!

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